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About Us

"The past is a foreign country, They do things differently there"


A childhood moment can change the course of a life and steer it in an entirely different direction.

For me, it was finding a fossil when I was 5 years old. 


That moment lead to me running a company teaching our next generations all about our ancient ancestors and giving them an insight into the awesome skills and abilities they developed to survive in a harsh environment where the weather alone would kill them.


That's not to mention the huge animals that roamed the lands back then too; Sabre-toothed cats, giant bears, and other prehistoric predators that would give you nightmares.

Our Story

Prehistoric Experiences provides Stone Age School Trips and Experiences for Schools, Stone Age Birthday Parties, and also Primitive Survival Workshops.


Our team are all Stone Age experts, with a passion for teaching. This makes us amongst the best out there, this is because we have the skills to live as Stone Age people did, we are not jobbing actors, script readers, or passionate hobbyists.


Our experiences have been developed over almost a decade by Will Lord(Wood), and Sarah Day (Memma).

The idea was to provide a Stone Age extravaganza that will inspire as many children as possible. 


No one has a Stone Age set-up like ours. In the beginning, we encountered some schools that do not have the adequate facilities to house our 'CAVE'. Because of this we also developed a Stone Age in the classroom experience, AND also for those schools who struggle with finance through no fault of their own, we also developed a Stone Age on a budget experience, which in itself rivals all of our competitors and should not be considered a downgrade when compared to others.

Meet The Tribe

Our School Experiences

Outdoor experience
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Stone Age Extravaganza School Workshop

Stone Age on a Budget Workshop

Stone Age In Your Classroom Workshop


Archaeology and Facial Reconstruction

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