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Bushcraft and primitive skills workshops.

Learn the skills you need to live in nature with or without modern kit!

Prehistoric Experiences courses!

In addittion to our school offerings we also provide a variety of courses.

These can take various forms; custom courses at one of our sites, or at a venue you provide

Or bookable courses at one of our venues in Suffolk.

To book any of the workshops either email us or pay via paypal ( @memmathecavewoman, including your name, and the  course you wish to book. ( We are having issues with the ecommerce apps/ Wix!



Topics  I offer as course elements include  ( but are not limited to) Fire, foraging, bone and antler working, flint knapping, modern knapping ( with glass) carving and whittling, small game prep, large game Prep, 'Primitive' cooking, Hide working  ( furs and buckskin) Clothing manufacture, cordage and netmaking.


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