Free Stone Age to Iron Age
School Teacher Resources
Welcome to our Teacher resources page!
After delivering School experiences to hundreds of schools and thousands of children we have found that there is a need for teacher resources to lay the ground for our visits and support the topic after an experience.
We are passionate about Prehistory and have decided to make these resources available not just to our customers, but to any teachers and home educators who wish to use them!
Even if you are not a customer of ours yet, please feel free to use these resources, and share them with any other teachers, groups, or even parents!
Documents and Worksheets
We have prepared a number of great documents and worksheets for you to use in your learning.
- Learn about the prehistoric timeline
- Colour in pictures of Stone Age life
- Learn about tools, weapons, art, people, and homes
- Listen to readings of The Wolf Brother
- Make Stone Age sculptures and jewellery
- Complete our Creative writing printable sheets
When you are done be sure to download the survival skills page and learn about all the uses of animals.
We recommend starting with the teacher's guide which is a 9-page walkthrough of learning and activities from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.
Whilst you are here...
...we would love to quickly introduce to you our Stone Age School visits.
We have been teaching children about the Stone Age for over 7 years. We pride ourselves on delivering an entertaining, imaginative experience which will transport your class back in time!
Below are the fantastic experiences we offer to schools.

Project this onto a wall...
...to show the children how big and daunting it might have been to hunt these animals.
You can also project them onto a wall, draw around them and colour in to make fantastic big displays!!!
Video Library (click on the picture links to a private area on YouTube.)
A magical look at how fire was made by our ancient ancestors!
5.26 minutes
Experience a frightening night in the stone age... What's that moving in the pitch dark of the cave?...
A look at the Hunting aspect of Stone Age life. 7.03 minutes
Timeline; Paleolithic to present.
A look at the last 4 million years of human history!
A Brief look at the history of Music. Why don't your class have a go at creating their own stone age sounds?
Creative writing
Chapter 1;
This video presentation of chapter 1 kicks off our creative writing 'story starter.
PDF document; chapter1 and suggestions for further chapters. With illustrations.
Large printable PDF storyboard images
Small printable storyboard images.
Similes and metaphors;
A video presentation of how, and why to use similes and metaphors in creative writing.

Useful images This is a small selection of some of our equipment, print and show!!
Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver
Dramatised readings of chapters, read by Memma
Chapter 1
Chapter 5Â
Chapter 6
Activities & crafts
Make a selection of Stone Age sculptures, and jewellery.
Then paint to take home as gifts to parents!!!
Story Time ( Hosted by Time capsule TV story Chest) story videos narrated by Memma the Cavewoman
Are we visiting your school yet?